About Us
Coombes Cycles was originally founded in 1980,
by Brian Coombes, in 98 Widemarsh Street, 3 doors
from our current location.
The business was taken over in 1984, By Doug Probert, and Chris Hillyard.
The current owner, Mark Greenhill,
started working for the business in August 1986.
The following year, the business moved to
94 Widemarsh Street, a slightly larger shop.
Mark then took ownership of the business in January 2000.
In March of the same year, Phil Wright did a
work experience placement, and started full time a few years later after leaving school.
In May of 2012, we moved to our current location, into another slightly larger shop, giving us the opportunity to reconfigure a few aspects of the business, to better cater for the changing markets and general operations.
So with 60 years of experience between us, we like to think
we should be able to tackle most jobs, and hope that our knowledge is extensive enough. But we'll also humbly admit if something is outside our area of expertise, and will always aim to try and learn new aspects of the job where needed.
Things have changed a lot (not always for the better) in those years, and we do our best to keep up with the constantly moving goalposts.